About the format: "Fortschrittsgedanken" appeared weekly on the FAIR.nrw blog 2020 and presents the opinions of various experts from research and practice on questions that always remain the same. The primary topic is algorithms in personnel sel...
Digitalization in recruiting is in full swing. New models are being developed almost daily to bring more efficiency and performance to companies. So far, however, people are still shying away from the use of algorithms. And rightly so in part, because an algorithm can only m...
About the format: "Fortschrittsgedanken" appeared weekly on the FAIR.nrw blog in 2020 and presents the opinions of various experts from research and practice on questions that always remain the same. The primary topic is algorithms in personnel...
About the format "Fortschrittsgedanken" appeared weekly on the FAIR.nrw blog 2020 and presents the opinions of various experts from research and practice on questions that are always the same. The primary topic is algorithms in personnel selection. About the p...
About the format: "Fortschrittsgedanken" appeared weekly in 2020 on the FAIR.nrw blog and presents the opinions of various experts from research and practice on questions that always remain the same. The primary topic is algorithms in personnel selection. FAIR was a proj...
About the format: "Fortschrittsgedanken" appeared weekly in 2020 on the FAIR.nrw blog and presents the opinions of various experts from research and practice on questions that always remain the same. The primary topic is algorithms in personnel...
Discrimination still plays too large a role in recruiting. Fair selection of candidates is a major challenge for companies. The danger of subconscious and sometimes even conscious discrimination lurks in too many places. As a result, many young people fear that they will hav...
In our Fair Project, we are working with the University of Cologne on discrimination-free recruiting algorithms. But what is the actual situation with our CASE Score? Are certain groups given preference in the assessment of their academic performance? The abbreviat...
About the author: Ali Waters is the founder of Ali Waters associates, a UK based SME offering a niche service in recruitment training. Ali has more than 20 years experience working with the UK’s largest employers, both at entry level and experienced hire. For the last 5 y...
About the series: "Progressing HR" is a weekly series on our blog featuring the views of experts on the digitalisation of HR with regards to bias and recruitment. About the author: Dave Millne...